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Article: eminas Started release of disinfecting tool cleaner

eminas 除菌トイレクリーナー発売開始

eminas Started release of disinfecting tool cleaner

Thick seats that solve "the sheet break" and "cannot be wiped at once" are very useful for cleaning the toilet.

Not only thickness and durability, but also characteristic deep embosses can remove dirt firmly, and the water can be flushed in the toilet with a design that makes it easy to loosen the water.

In the sewing machine of the sheet2As it cuts quickly on the sheet, it is designed to be easy to use according to the wiping location around the toilet such as floor, toilet bowl, accessories.

The scent of a refreshing mint wraps around the wiped mark.


[Sales date]

On the same site2023Year2Month13Day(Month)Scheduled to be sold more

Scheduled to be sold sequentially at other dealers


【product name】

eminas Ekiscellation tool cleaner